Quarter 3 – Spring 2023 – Archive
Weeks 8-9 | February 20th – March 3rd
Welcome to Class!
- There will be no new Assignment this week or Next. We have two short weeks back to back and 3rd Quarter is ending Friday 3/3
- Please work on YOUR current lesson, Cycle back to FCC as needed
- Create your Week 8 & 9 logs with the proper dates - Please note in your log NO SCHOOL Monday2/20 or Tuesday2/21/ half day Fri - 3/3 (No School for Seniors)
- I will be meeting with each student individually to verify grades
Week 7 | February 13th – February 17th
Welcome to Class! - HAPPY THURSDAY (Kind of Like Friday)
- Please complete your Lab#2 - W3C Consortium | See Example
- Continue with Lesson 4
- Cycle over to FCC as needed
Welcome to Class! - Start at the computers. Spirit Assembly today
- continue on Lesson 4 | See Lesson 4 Example - Instructions are located at the bottom of the page
- Take a moment to link all the parts of code with the W3C
- Please use both the TRY IT and the W3C definitions for all your new parts of code going forward
- Define and know new key terms and be sure you CITE a reference where you found your definition
- Not to worry, we will finish this lesson AFTER the long weekend.
1st Period 8:05-8:50
2nd Period 8:55-9:40
3rd Period 9:45-10:30
4th Period 10:35-11:20
5th Period 12:00-12:45
6th Period 12:50-1:35
Assembly 1:35-2:40
7th Period 2:45-3:25
Welcome to Class! - Quick Start at the Tables - While we wait for class to start do a little RECON on these questions🙋♀️🙋♂️❓❔❓ How many types of CSS are there? What does this statement mean “You are the {CSS} to my <HTML>”? What is it about "broken" or less Ideal code that teaches us how to do better?
- Take a moment to link all the parts of code with the W3C
- Please use both the TRY IT and the W3C definitions for all your new parts of code going forward
- Define and know new key terms and be sure you CITE a reference where you found your definition
- Not to worry, we will finish this lesson AFTER the long weekend.
Welcome to Class!
- Quick discussion on Creative Commons and how to provide proper attribution to LESSON 3
- Make sure you start your weekly progress log
- You may work on your current lesson, next lesson, or cycle back to FCC
- This week is SPIRIT WEEK - Today is Pajama DAY, and tomorrow - is TWIN DAY!
Week 6 | February 6th – February 10th
Welcome Back!! - Start at the computers, today! Lesson 3 is DUE today - we will have a codeshare out at the end of class or as needed
- DUE TODAY - LESSON 3 and PROGRESS LOG 5&6 Posted to your portfolio
- continue with your Lesson 3 Page in your portfolio, as always - don't start from scratch. Consider duplicating and modifying the previous lesson's workspace 🤔 💡
- Fully define AND UNDERSTAND Vocab and New parts of Code
- continue in your Lesson 3 Replit workspace and be sure you have shared your code using Multi-player with “sarahlamarche”
- Create the join link and associate a button to your code on your lesson 3 page
- As always, please review the CODE RUBRIC to maximize your points!
- cycle over to FCC once you have finished LESSON 3
Welcome Back!! - Start at the computers, today! Let's start coding!
- continue with your Lesson 3 Page in your portfolio, as always - don't start from scratch. Consider duplicating and modifying the previous lesson's workspace 🤔 💡
- Fully define AND UNDERSTAND Vocab and New parts of Code
- continue in your Lesson 3 Replit workspace and be sure you have shared your code using Multi-player with “sarahlamarche”
- Create the join link and associate a button to your code on your lesson 3 page
- As always, please review the CODE RUBRIC to maximize your points!
Welcome Back!! - While we wait for class to start do a little RECON on these questions🙋♀️🙋♂️❓❓ What is the significance of index.html. How do you create a new HTML page in replit? Do you create more pages first? What is the best strategic way to build your Mini Web Site? Quick DEMO on some BEST PRACTICES
- Discussion on Creative Commons and ECO system of content | How Youtube Thinks about Copyright
- Work time on Lesson 3 - tomorrow we will start at the computers
- As always, please review the CODE RUBRIC to maximize your points!
- Don't forget to write in your progress log!
Welcome to Class!! Please start at the tables - What does Emmet do? Why is it important to use Emmet but know how to write the code if Emmet is unavailable? What does “href” stand for? What does the “a” tag stand for?
- Create your Lesson 3 Page in your portfolio
- PRO TIP - Consider duplicating and modifying Lesson2 🤔
- Start to define Vocab and New parts of Code
- Create your Lesson 3 Replit workspace and share using Multi-player with “sarahlamarche”
- Create the join link and associate a button to your code on your lesson 3 page
- As always, please review the CODE RUBRIC to maximize your points!
Welcome Back!! - Please start the computers
- Monday is dedicated to setting up your week
- set your dates for the week with a bullet for Monday - Friday
- Independent work on Current Lesson, next Lesson Or FCC
Week 5 | January 30th – February 3rd
Welcome To Class!! Please start at the tables - Have any of you found some ways to be both effective and efficient with your code writing? Is there any repetition to your code assignment? Quick Code Demo and Preview of W3C Lab
- Who's in charge of the internet - Part 1 | REVIEW SLIDES HERE
- Up Next -- ICANN
- independent work day on Lesson 2
- We will Start Lesson 3 next week
- cycle over to FCC as needed
Welcome To Class!! - Start @ the Computers please
- Please continue work on Lesson Two | See My Example
- Write Tools Paragraph Lab is due this week
- Be sure to write in your progress log each day.
- Tomorrow we will have some code DEMOs
- Cycle back to FCC as needed
Welcome To Class!! Please start at the tables - What is net Neutrality!? What tag do you use to display an image file in a browser!? What attribute do you use? What is the difference between a raster and a vector file?
- Please begin work on Lesson Two | See My Example
- Write Tools Paragraph Lab is due this week
- Be sure to write in your progress log each day. Consider answering the discussion questions for content in your progress log
- Tomorrow we will start at the computers
- Cycle back to FCC as needed
Welcome To Class! - Please start at the tables. Discussion on "Web is for EVERYONE" 16:20 - 26:00 - Net Neutrality and protecting Sir Tim Berners Lee's invention.
- Sub Zero Temps Yesterday - (NO SCHOOL MONDAY) - Please create and write in your log
- after our discussion, we will have independent work at the computers
- work as needed on - Progress Log for Week 5, Write Tools Lab, FCC progress, or complete or preview code lessons.
Week 4 | January 23rd – January 27th
Welcome to Class! - As a Class - Web is for EVERYONE!
- Quick discussion
- Who is Tim Berners-Lee
- 10 min at the end of class to wrap up your progress log
- write tools assignment is due next week | see Example HERE | Place your write tools assignment on your labs page | See Example Here
- Slides: Resources: Where did the internet come from - The evolution of the Internet into the WWW? Video Resource: The Web is for Everyone
Welcome to Class! - Quick Discussion on Emmet
- try typing in just the name of the tag and then hit tab key
- to get your basic tags type "!" then tab key
- enjoy your hour lunch today
1st Period 8:05-8:55
2nd Period 9:00-9:50
3rd Period 9:55-10:45
4th Period 10:50-11:40
Lunch 11:40-12:40
5th Period 12:45-1:35
6th Period 1:40-2:30
7th Period 2:35-3:25
Welcome to Class!
- Please start at the computers.
- Work on Lesson One - be sure to link to the W3C references and TRY ME work spaces
- Cycle back to FFC as needed
- please use the JUST ASK button
Welcome to Class!! Please start at the tables - Do a little Recon - What is an HTML tag? What is an HTML Element? Do All HTML Tags have opening AND closing tags? What is an HTML Attribute? Can you have more than one attribute in an HTML element?
- Quick Discussion on Lesson One Expectations | PRESENTATION
- Work time on Lesson One
- make sure you write in your progress log what awesome work you completed!!
Welcome to Class - Please start at the Computers
- Create your week 4 Log
- Create bullets for Monday - Friday
- Spend some time in FCC
- Tomorrow we will start Lesson 1
Week 3 | January 16th – January 20th
- Class Discussion on Evolution of The Steps of the internet
- In your progress log please answer the question - "Who's in charge of the internet?" SEE MY EXAMPLE
- As we introduce different labs you might be asked to answer specific questions under your daily progress log. These questions will always be in my example progress log.
- Create your lab page SEE MY EXAMPLE
- Cycle back to Your current Lesson or FCC
- We will complete our Write Tools Lab next Friday
Welcome to Class! Please start at the computers - work on Lesson Zero and once you have finished cycle back to FCC - make sure you are writing in your daily log.
- Continue to work on Lesson Zero
- Be sure you are writing accurate and thoughtful entries in your daily progress log
- Please use this as a guide to ensure you are meeting all requirements for your lesson zero assignment
- When you complete your lessons cycle back to FCC and LOG YOUR PROGRESS in your progress log
- It is important I am able to review your Lesson Zero so I can give feedback on both lesson and code structure before we all move onto LessonOne
- LESSON 0 with resources & instructions ***instructions and resources are at the bottom of the example Lesson page***
Welcome to Class! Quick Code Demo
- Continue to work on Lesson Zero
- Please use this as a guide to ensure you are meeting all requirements for your lesson zero assignment
- When complete your lessons cycle back to FCC and LOG YOUR PROGRESS in your progress log
- It is important I am able to review your Lesson Zero so I can give feedback on both lesson and code structure before we all move onto LessonOne
- LESSON 0 Student Example | LESSON 0 with resources & instructions i***nstructions and resources are at the bottom of the example Lesson page
- remember, for each lesson you must include a link to repl.it code, defined Key Terms, defined New Code, and a self-assessment
Welcome Back! -- Quick Demo on Lesson Zero
- Work on lesson Zero first, then please move on to Lesson One.
- LESSON 1 Student Example | LESSON 1 with resources & instructions
- LESSON 0 Student Example | LESSON 0 with resources & instructions
- remember, for each lesson you must include a link to repl.it code, defined Key Terms, defined New Code, and a self-assessment
- **Thank you for working independently -- OFTEN students, staff & community members come in and ask for TECH SUPPORT. EXAMPLE TECH SUPPORT REQUESTS
Welcome to class!
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Most Mondays you will start at the computers and start your Weekly progress log. Please add a new text box with the dates for this week. Week 3 | January 16th - January 20th [--/25]. Add a bullet list of Monday - Friday so you are ready to go to add an entry. SEE EXAMPLE
- please take a moment to look over
- we will discuss the content for lesson ZERO tomorrow
- you may either work in FCC or PREVIEW Lesson Zero and Lesson 1 listed below.
- LESSON 1 Student Example | LESSON 1 with resources & instructions
- LESSON 0 Student Example | LESSON 0 with resources & instructions
- remember, for each lesson you must include a link to replit code, defined Key Terms, defined New Code, and a self-assessment
Week 2 | January 9th – January 13th
Welcome to Class!
Quick Discussion on Re-Work & Just Ask policy
Please take a moment to review last week (posted below) to ensure you have completed all assignments.
This week we will have one on one meetings. I will call you over to my desk to take a look at your portfolio and answer any questions you may have. As I meet with each class member it is important everyone is also making progress in FREE CODE CAMP. Free code camp allows you review the content we work on as a group but also work ahead as far as you would like. This class, Web Design and Development one, is the first of a four classes. In Web Development IV you work on the school's website.
Each week you will be given an alotted amount of time, usually on Mondays or as you complete normal lessons early, to work on progress toward certification using free code camp. Even though you will be able to work at your own pace in FCC, you will log your progress in your digital porfolio. PLEASE SEE MY EXAMPLE PAGE
Welcome to class!
- please create an account with repl.it This is the resource we will use to share out code we write from scratch
- please continue with FCC and log your progress in your progress log. Week 1 & 2 progress logs will be due Friday
- today we will continue with one on one meetings to make sure we are all on the same page
- feel free to take a look at LESSON ZERO in our example portfolio | Code Lesson Rubric
HAPPY FRIDAY!! DUE THIS WEEK - Progress Log weeks 1 & 2
- What is team building?
- We introduce teambuilding in INTRO to INFO TECH so this is a review of the parameters
- Why are teams important when working together to create code or really anything!?
- What does team building look like in TECH CLASSES?
- Under your progress log for today - please indicate what workplace-ready standard you are working on if you choose to "Team-Build Today"
Please Preview For a VERY BUSY week, next week:
Week 1 | January 4th – January 6th
Welcome to Class!! 4 THINGS DUE THIS WEEK:
- Portfolio Share (50pts), Bio (40pts) & Profile Picture (10pts)
- Link to your FCC Public Portfolio on your progress log page (50pts)
- Week 1 Daily Summary (25pts each week - graded every other week)
- Create a button on your home page for your (50pts) Day One Survey
Preview The Below information for Next Week!
As a class
- Discussion on what's a pacing algorithm?
- log into computers and create log in to computers as needed
Independent Work (move to computers)
- work to create your NEW sites.google.com | TUTORIAL VIDEO
- please cycle back to FreeCodeCamp as you complete your portfolio
WELCOME TO WEB DEVELOPMENT I - Please start by clicking on the big blue button below to tell me a little bit about yourself.
Once you have submitted your response, you will be sent a receipt with your answers via email. Please make sure you keep this receipt as you will be adding this to your Web Design Portfolio.
While everyone is filling out the DAY 1 form, I will be walking around to make sure everyone is able to sign in to a chromebooks. Please keep in mind I am teaching two different subjects this class period. We will need to work together. Please ask if you have questions. You might consider asking the person next to you if you have a question or you can always use the JUST ASK BUTTON. Teamwork is the norm in S2.
Upon completion of this form please make an account with freecodecamp.org - log in using your mytfsd.org google account. Freecodecamp is a way to work at your own pace and ALSO obtain industry certifications recognized by companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and more. Why do you think tech companies look for certifications on job applications? Why might you want to include tech certificates on your resume?