Week 20th | May 22nd - May 24th
Welcome to Class!
- please make a copy and share it back with lamarchesa@tfsd.org - RUBRIC
- work on the EOC
- quick read | Bruin Alumni
- a few assignments will be considered EXTRA CREDIT
- Mrs. LaMarche is working to tie up loose ends with all the projects
- Dylan's PC (1st) ✅
- Alex's PC ✅
- 3D Prints (Ms. Browning)
- Mod Older DELL Laptop (KH)
- Replace Chromebook LCD #1 (AM)
- Replace Chromebook LCD #2 (GC)
- Replace Shattered LCD - Dell (TK (sister))
- Mod i7 4th Gen with Kali (JW)
- Custom Build PC for (TH)
- Resin Speech Podium - wiring (Mrs. Lieser)
- Flash BIOS older gen AMD to support new CPU (NO)
- Fans for Rhoda (Fans reconnect)
- Many More...
Welcome to Class
- modified EOC will be Wednesday | REVIEW
- EOC will be a self-reflection on your portfolio
- after you make a copy of your rubric; be sure to indicate - ☒ incomplete or ✔ complete or ◐ Partial on each line of your rubric
Welcome to Class - We're ALMOST DONE!!!
- last day to turn in EOC
- please ask any questions or concerns
Period 1 | 8:05 – 8:40
Period 2 | 8:45 – 9:20
Period 3 | 9:25 – 10:00
Period 4 | 10:05 – 10:40
Period 5 | 10:45 – 11:20
Period 6 | 11:25 – 12:00
Period 7 | 12:05 – 12:40
Lunch |12:40 - 1:10
Week 19th | May 15th - May 19th
Happy Friday
- please make a copy and share it back with lamarchesa@tfsd.org - RUBRIC
- that the EOC
- quick read | Bruin Alumni
Welcome to Class!
- please review rubric
- a few assignments will be considered EXTRA CREDIT
- Working on Dylan's PC (1st)
- Working on 3D print (4th)
- Already Competed (Alex's PC)
Welcome to Class
- modified EOC will be Wednesday | REVIEW
- EOC will be a self-reflection on your portfolio
- after you make a copy of your rubric; be sure to indicate - ☒ incomplete or ✔ complete or ◐ Partial on each line of your rubric
Week 18th | May 8th - May 12th
Welcome to Class! We will focus on one project at a time until each are done
- work on Dylan's Computer (1st)
- work on Alex's Computer & another prototype for 3D printing (4th)
- or work on lessons
- please view rubric
- official EOC review will be ready on Monday
Welcome to Class! We will focus on one project at a time until each are done
- work on Dylan's Computer (1st)
- work on Alex's Computer & another prototype for 3D printing (4th)
- or work on lessons
- please view rubric
Welcome to Class! We will focus on one project at a time until each are done
- work on Dylan's Computer (1st)
- work on Alex's Compuer & another prototype for 3D printing (4th)
- or work on lessons
- please view rubric
Welcome to Class!
- discussion on the rubric Web Dev final portfolio
- ETE Promo Video Discussion
- What projects do we have left?
Welcome back! Happy Monday - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche
- Please make your week 18 log
- work on lesson or fcc
- log your progress - be thoughtful and accurate in your log
- we will be finishing projects this week
- please be kind to our guest teacher and work hard
- I should be back tomorrow
Week 17 | May 1st - May 5th
- This week we will be participating in Esports districts
- Please create your week 17 log and work on FCC or YOUR CURRENT lesson
- Take a look at the new lessons posted
- I look forward to seeing you all next week
Week 16 | April 24th - April 28th
Welcome to class! Track, Jive and lots of activities
- Independent Work
- Please work on make up work
- or Team building OK if you are caught up
Welcome to Class! Independent Work Days Tuesday - Thursday! Please work on your progress logs. Make sure your progress logs are complete and clear. Remember you are taking your EOC right now as your portfolio is a large portion of your END OF COURSE assessment.
If you are able: Please take a few moments to look at some fun code examples:
- Example 1 - fun animation
- Example 2 - classic book
- Example 3 - Ebook
- Example 4 - Page turn
Welcome to class! How do you convert binary to decimal and decimal to binary? What is a ASCII? What is extended Assci?
- Quick discussion on converting binary
- please work on Lab #3 and post your form receipt to the portfolio | See Example
Week 15 | April 17th - April 21st
Welcome to Class! Quick Discussion on EOC - move on to Lab #3
- Now that we have a taste of what to provide artifacts and evidence to prove what we have done and what we have learned in the process we need to cycle back to another lab
- Binary, Bits Bytes Lab #3 - Part 1
- Add another section to your Lab's page | Please See Example
- Make a copy Binary Data Lab #1 - Storage and Share back with lamarchesa@tfsd.org
- ***IMPORTANT REFERENCES*** | Box Modle | Tables | Text Properties | Borders | ALL CSS PROPERTIES
- We will have details of your final project soon
Welcome to Class! - Quick Debreif on more 80/20 methodology - Artifacts & Evidence: What does that look like?
- Project List Review & Update | Project List
- More Technical Hiccups | Mavrick and Cole working on setting up workstations
- Please cycle over to YOUR current lesson or FCC as needed
***IMPORTANT REFERENCES*** | Box Modle | Tables | Text Properties | Borders | ALL CSS PROPERTIES
Welcome to Class!! - Good luck to those who are testing. Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche
- Make sure your daily logs are caught up
- Please work quietly in S3 for our Guest Teacher
- Independently work on FCC or any lesson you might need to finish
- Mrs. LaMarche will be back tomorrow for us to continue with our 80/20 Projects | See Ongoing Project List
How to do an 80/20 project - Practicing Artifacts and evidence. What do you do when there is not a specific solution for something? What do we do if something needs to be improved or needs to be repaired? How do we provide artifacts and evidence of what we are learning or know how to do?
- Austin's Chair - No sound | 4th Hour
- Dylan's Fan not spinning | 1st Hour
- Peg board installation | SHOP
- Game Table | S6 / Yearbook
- Gym Foyer SMART TV / Raspberry Pi Install | STUCO
- Gym Reader Boards | STUCO
- 3D printed Awards | Ms. Browning
Week 14 | April 10th - April 14th
Welcome to Class!!
How to do an 80/20 project - Practicing Artifacts and evidence. What do you do when there is not a specific solution for something? What do we do if something needs to be improved or needs to be repaired? How do we provide artifacts and evidence of what we are learning or know how to do?
Independent Work Week -- Early release Monday
- Welcome to Class!!
- create a new wk 14 log and log your progress in FCC
Week 13 | April 3rd - April 7th
Welcome to class! Happy Friday!
Welcome to Class!! Any questions on lists?? Why do we need classes and IDs? What is the difference between a class and an ID!?
- Quick Demo on Buttons, classes, and ID's
- 1st Hour DEMO code | 4th Hour DEMO code
- Independent work time Tuesday - Thursday
- Remove the default underline: Text Decoration Property
- Remove the Default: visited default color: Pseudo-Classes
- Button Animation Examples - Codepen.io
- IDs and class names should be 1. Simple 2. Descriptive 3. transparent 4. do not use System reserved words - EXAMPLE] You should not name a class - "class" as class is already being used to identify a class specification
- Elements are positioned using the top, bottom, left, and right properties. 1st argument is top. However if there is only one argument all sides have the same directive CSS Layout - we will revisit this concept when we study the box model.
Wednesday's Discussion Questions: What does pseudo mean? What is a pseudo-class? How do you provide code instructions to have a button change color when the mouse hovers over it?
Thursday's Discussion Questions: How many different ways can you style a button? Does anyone want to share a button style tomorrow? button css | button html | bootstrap buttons | Jack Dorsey
Welcome Back - FCC Practice - Early release Monday
- Create your week 13 log
- spend today working on FCC
Week 12 | March 27 - March 31
Welcome to Class! What does list-style-type do? Why would we want to use it?
- quick demo video on creating emoji icons
- code snip from video
- pseudo code info: CSS :: marker Selector
- updated code demo: 1st hour demo code here | 4th Hour code here
Welcome to Class!! -- Mrs. LaMarche share out on "maker Space" industry projects. Quick check-in on your lessons. Lesson 7 is now posted. What was the last lesson we did a demo on?
- Demo on Lesson 5 - Recipe | 1st hour demo code here | 4th Hour code here
- w3c DEMO
- UP NEXT: list-style-type property
Welcome to Class!!
- please work on "your" next lesson
- lesson 7 is now open
- work on FCC as needed
- one on one grade meetings this week
Practice the box model
The Box Model
Please Excuse - S2 is UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
- Please work independently on YOUR current lesson
- If you are struggling with the code for any given lesson cycle back to FCC
- Please create an entry in your progress log EACH DAY. Consider writing down any questions you have in your log or any problems you were able to solve.
- Remember -- THE JUST ASK BUTTON is your friend!
Welcome Back!
- please start a new FCC progress log for week 12
- we will start new lessons this week
- small group working in the back
No School | March 20th - March 24th
Week 11 | March 13 - March 17
Welcome to Class!!
Welcome to Week 11. This is our last week before Spring Break. Be sure you have your week 11 log created and filled out.
- FULL TAG LIST | remember, you can sort alphabetically or by category on the left-hand side of the page
- FULL ATTRIBUTE LIST | the attribute list show which tags a particular attribute supports or "belongs to"
References from our Code DEMO CSS can be added to HTML documents in 3 ways:
Week 10 | March 6th - March 10th
Welcome to Class! Please work on YOUR current lesson. Cycle back to FCC - **Don't forget to log your progress** Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche
please take a moment to look at the resources below
Welcome to Class -- Please start at the Computers today
- independent work time on lesson 4.5 or 4.0
- remember to both duplicate lesson 4 and fork the code to modify
References from our Code DEMO CSS can be added to HTML documents in 3 ways:
- Inline - by using the
attribute inside HTML elements - TRY IT - Internal - by using a
element in the<head>
section - TRY IT - External - by using a
element to link to an external CSS file - TRY IT
- take a moment to view other options for editors | Notepad ++ | Atom | Visual Studio Code
- How do you know you have a favorite editor?
Welcome to Class -- Please start at the tables. Where do you go to find Last Quarter’s (Q3’s) Lesson Plans? Did everyone make a new page For Q4? Do you have all the weeks created? We are at the home stretch! Please keep in mind your final grade will be your final portfolio. Q3 Grades were progress grades. What is the most commonly used CSS used in the web dev industry? Why?
- demo on CSS | EXAMPLE CODE FROM IN CLASS (I will link after we create the code in class)
- start at the computers - please quick read about CSS | TAKE A LOOK
- independent work time
References from our Code DEMO CSS can be added to HTML documents in 3 ways:
- take a moment to view other options for editors | Notepad ++ | Atom | Visual Studio Code
- How do you know you have a favorite editor?
Welcome to Class -- CSI Field Trip
- Most of the class is @ CSI this morning. We will not cover any new material.
- Please take some time today (if you didn't already) to create your progress log [PLEASE SEE EXAMPLE]
- Your Q4 progress Log should be the top Menu item and Q3 should be nested underneath.
References from our Code DEMO CSS can be added to HTML documents in 3 ways:
Welcome Back!! Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche
- Please take a moment and create a Q4 log page
- Each Monday, going forward 2nd quarter will be dedicated to FCC progress
- work on FCC or your current lesson
- Mrs. LaMarche will be back tomorrow