Welcome to Class!
- please make a copy and share it back with lamarchesa@tfsd.org - RUBRIC
- work on the EOC
- quick read | Bruin Alumni
- a few assignments will be considered EXTRA CREDIT
- Mrs. LaMarche is working to tie up loose ends with all the projects
- Dylan's PC (1st) ✅
- Alex's PC ✅
- 3D Prints (Ms. Browning)
- Mod Older DELL Laptop (KH)
- Replace Chromebook LCD #1 (AM)
- Replace Chromebook LCD #2 (GC)
- Replace Shattered LCD - Dell (TK (sister))
- Mod i7 4th Gen with Kali (JW)
- Custom Build PC for (TH)
- Resin Speech Podium - wiring (Mrs. Lieser)
- Flash BIOS older gen AMD to support new CPU (NO)
- Fans for Rhoda (Fans reconnect)
- Many More...
Today's Schedule:
1st period | 8:05-9:25
2nd period | 9:30-10:50
Lunch | 10:50 -11:40
3rd period | 11:40-1:00
4th period | 1:05-2:25