Welcome to Class!!  Any questions on lists??  Why do we need classes and IDs?  What is the difference between a class and an ID!?

  • Quick Demo on Buttons, classes, and ID's
  • 1st Hour DEMO code | 4th Hour DEMO code
  • Independent work time Tuesday - Thursday
  • Remove the default underline: Text Decoration Property
  • Remove the Default: visited default color: Pseudo-Classes
  • Button Animation Examples - Codepen.io
  • IDs and class names should be 1. Simple 2. Descriptive 3. transparent 4. do not use System reserved words - EXAMPLE] You should not name a class - "class" as class is already being used to identify a class specification
  • Elements are positioned using the top, bottom, left, and right properties. 1st argument is top. However if there is only one argument all sides have the same directive CSS Layout - we will revisit this concept when we study the box model.


Wednesday's Discussion Questions:  What does pseudo mean?  What is a pseudo-class? How do you provide code instructions to have a button change color when the mouse hovers over it?

Thursday's Discussion Questions: How many different ways can you style a button? Does anyone want to share a button style tomorrow? button css | button html | bootstrap buttons | Jack Dorsey